For Parents and Guardians

Get a taste of the positive changes in school meals!

The statewide Healthy School Meals for All Program serves up healthy and tasty breakfast and lunch.  

Remember overcooked mystery meat?

Now, students are more likely to get fresh, even locally sourced, veggies, fruits and protein. Times have changed. So have school meals.  

The Basics for Busy Parents

  1. Free for All: This eliminates financial barriers and stigma, promoting equal access to healthy food for every student.
  2. Tasty Nutrition: Support for quality local ingredients and dedicated food service teams promotes healthy and delicious options.
  3. Time Savings: When your child enjoys school meals, you have more time to focus on other things that matter to your family.
  4. Fuel for Learning: Healthy school meals contribute to improved academic performance and student success.
Still have questions? Check out these Frequently Asked Questions.

It’s Still Important to Complete the School Benefits Form

It's essential for families to still provide their household income information when requested by their school.

While meals are free to all students, districts need to continue gathering this information to access federal funding for meals and other services. Families who qualify may also receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support, and more.
Get in touch with your school for the appropriate benefits form.
Good Food Fuels Great Minds

It’s Still Important to Complete the School Benefits Form

It's essential for families to still provide their household income information when requested by their school.

While meals are free to all students, districts need to continue gathering this information to access federal funding for meals and other services. Families who qualify may also receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support, and more.

Free Summer Meals for All Colorado Kids

Parents are busy enough during the summer. They shouldn’t have to worry about feeding their kids. Fortunately, the Summer Food Service Program offers free meals to all kids in Colorado all summer long.

Anyone 18 and under can eat at approved sites, which are run by schools, camps, governments, colleges, and some nonprofits. There are no income requirements to participate.
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Supporting Families With A New Summer EBT Program

Colorado has a new Summer EBT program that provides groceries to students in need during summer break. Eligible families will get $120 per child on a pre-loaded card, which is about $40 per month. This is in addition to existing summer meal sites that offer free meals to any child under 18.

Students who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, or those in families receiving SNAP, Medicaid, or Colorado Works benefits, will automatically be enrolled. Find more information about the program from the Colorado Department of Human Services.
Frequently Asked Questions

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